Learn Biography of Lao Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 老子:道家之祖的传奇人生(Lǎozi: Dàojiā zhī zǔ de chuánqí rénshēng).

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

Title of Biography in English: Lao Tzu : The Legendary Life of the Patriarch of Taoism.

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The Biography of Lao Tzu in English (英文传记)

Lao Tzu (Lao Zi), whose original name was Li Er and styled Dan, was a renowned philosopher and thinker in ancient China, and the founder of Taoism. He lived in the Spring and Autumn period, roughly from 571 BC to 471 BC, and was revered as “the Patriarch of Taoism.”

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

Born into a noble family of the Zhou Dynasty, Lao Tzu was exceptionally intelligent from a young age, harboring a profound interest in the laws governing the universe and all things. Early in his life, he served as a historian in the royal library of the Zhou Dynasty, overseeing the management of imperial archives. This experience afforded him the opportunity to delve deeply into ancient texts, laying a solid foundation for his future philosophical ideas.

However, Lao Tzu was not content with the status quo, and he aspired to pursue a higher spiritual realm. Therefore, he chose to withdraw from society and embark on profound reflections on issues such as the universe, nature, society, and human life. During this process, he introduced the concept of “Tao,” believing that “Tao” is the supreme law of the universe, the source of all things, and the supreme criterion for human behavior.

Lao Tzu’s thoughts were profound and unique. He advocated “governing by non-action,” arguing that the government should conform to natural laws and refrain from excessive intervention in people’s lives. He opposed war and tyranny, advocating peace and tolerance. Meanwhile, he also concerned himself with people’s inner world, proposing the philosophy of “the highest good is like water,” encouraging individuals to maintain a peaceful and humble mindset.

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

Lao Tzu’s work, “Tao Te Ching,” is a concentrated embodiment of his thoughts. This treatise, with its concise language and profound wisdom, has influenced countless people throughout history. Although Lao Tzu himself left behind few biographical details, his ideas and wisdom will forever remain in the treasury of human culture.

Learn Biography Of Lao Tzu in Chinese (老子的详细传记)



Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_




Lao Tzu Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_
  • 老子(Lǎo Zǐ): Lao Tzu
  • 道家(Dào Jiā): Taoism
  • 道(Dào): Tao (the Way)
  • 无为而治(Wú wéi ér zhì): Non-action governance
  • 道德经(Dào Dé Jīng): Tao Te Ching

Pinyin of Lao Tzu Biography (传记的拼音)

Lǎozi, běnmíng lǐ ěr, zì dān, shì zhōngguó gǔdài zhùmíng de zhéxué jiā, sīxiǎngjiā, dàojiā xuépài de chuàngshǐ rén. Tā shēnghuó zài chūnqiū shíqí, yuē gōngyuán qián 571 nián zhì yuē gōngyuán qián 471 nián, bèi zūn wèi “dàojiā zhī zǔ”.

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

Lǎo zǐ chūshēng yú zhōu cháo de yīgè guìzú jiātíng, zì yòu cōnghuìguò rén, duì tiāndì wànwù zhī dào yǒuzhe nónghòu de xìngqù. Tā zǎonián céng rènzhí zhōucháoshǒu cáng shì zhī shǐ, fùzé guǎnlǐ wángcháo de diǎnjí. Zhè duàn jīnglì shǐ tā yǒu jīhuì shēnrù yándú gǔdài diǎnjí, cóng’ér wéi tā rìhòu de zhéxué sīxiǎng diàndìngle jiānshí de jīchǔ.

Rán’ér, lǎozi bìng bù mǎnzú yú xiànzhuàng, tā kěwàng zhuīqiú gèng gāo de jīngshén jìngjiè. Yīncǐ, tā xuǎnzéle yǐnjū, kāishǐle duì yǔzhòu, zìrán, shèhuì hé rénshēng děng wèntí de shēnrù sīkǎo. Zài zhège guòchéng zhōng, tā tíchūle “dào” de gàiniàn, rènwéi “dào” shì yǔzhòu jiān zuìgāo de fǎzé, shì wànwù zhī yuán, yěshì rénlèi xíngwéi de zuìgāo zhǔnzé.

Lǎozi de sīxiǎng shēnsuì ér dútè, tā zhǔzhāng “wúwéi ér zhì”, rènwéi zhèngfǔ yīnggāi shùnyìng zìrán guīlǜ, bùyào guòdù gānyù mínzhòng de shēnghuó. Tā fǎnduì zhànzhēng hé bàozhèng, chàngdǎo hépíng yǔ kuānróng. Tóngshí, tā yě guānzhù rén de nèixīn shìjiè, tíchūle “shàngshànruòshuǐ” de chǔshì zhéxué, gǔlì rénmen bǎochí yī kē pínghé, qiānxùn de xīntài.

Learn Biography of Lao Zi Tzu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

Lǎozi de zhùzuò “dàodé jīng” shì tā sīxiǎng de jízhōng tǐxiàn, zhè bù zhùzuò yǐ qí jiǎnliàn de yǔyán hé shēnsuì de zhélǐ yǐngxiǎngle hòushì wú shǔ de rén. Jǐnguǎn lǎozi běnrén bìng wèi liú xià tài duō de shēngpíng shìjì, dàn tā de sīxiǎng hé zhìhuì què yǒngyuǎn dì liú zàile rénlèi wénhuà de bǎokù zhōng.

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