Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 李白传 (Lǐ bái Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Li Bai.

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The Biography of Li Bai in English (英文传记)

Li Bai: The Legendary Life of the Poet Immortal

Li Bai, styled Taibai and known as the Qinglian Hermit, was a great romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, renowned as the “Poet Immortal.” He possessed exceptional talents and a bold, uninhibited personality, and his works were filled with romanticism, exerting profound influence on later generations.

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Born in the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai was intelligent and literate from an early age. His poetry covered a wide range of topics, including songs of praise for the magnificent scenery of the motherland and expressions of his personal aspirations and ambitions. His poetry was fluent and natural in language, profound in meaning, and rich in musicality and imagery, earning him the praise of “painting in poetry and poetry in painting.”

Li Bai traveled extensively throughout his life, visiting places both north and south of the Yangtze River. He loved nature and pursued freedom, drinking and singing with friends, leaving behind many beloved works. However, his official career was not smooth, and he was demoted several times, but this did not affect his passion for poetry and freedom.

In poetic creation, Li Bai possessed a unique artistic style. He was adept at using rhetorical devices such as exaggeration and metaphor to express his profound insights into nature, life, and society. His poetry was filled with passion and strength, revealing his bold and uninhibited personality and his pursuit of freedom.

The life of Li Bai was filled with legendary color. His poetry and personal charm made him a brilliant star in the history of Chinese literature, exerting a profound influence on later generations.

Learn Biography Of Li Bai in Chinese (中文传记)

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)






Li Bai Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  • 李白(Lǐ bái, Li Bai): A great romantic poet of the Tang Dynasty, renowned as the “Poet Immortal.”
  • 诗仙(Shī xiān, Poet Immortal): A title given to Li Bai in recognition of his exceptional poetic talents and immortal-like literary achievements.
  • 浪漫主义(Làngmàn zhǔyì, Romanticism): A literary and artistic movement emphasizing individualism, expression of emotion, and a return to nature, exemplified in Li Bai’s works.
  • 仕途(Shìtú, Official Career): Li Bai’s political career, which was not smooth and included several demotions but did not dampen his pursuit of poetry and freedom.

Pinyin of Li Bai Biography (李白记的拼音)

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Lǐbái, zì tàibái, hào qīng lián jūshì, táng dài wěidà de làngmàn zhǔyì shīrén, bèi yù wèi “shī xiān”. Tā cáihuáhéngyì, xìnggé háofàng bùjī, zuòpǐn chōngmǎnle làngmàn zhǔyì sècǎi, duì hòushì yǐngxiǎng shēnyuǎn.

Lǐbái shēng yú shèng táng shíqí, zì yòu cōngyǐngguò rén, xǐhào wénxué. Tā de shīgē tícái guǎngfàn, jì yǒu gēsòng zǔguó dàhǎo héshān de zhuànglì shīpiān, yěyǒu shūfā gèrén háoqíng zhuàngzhì de háofàng zhī zuò. Tā de shīgē yǔyán liúchàng zìrán, yìjìng shēnyuǎn, fùyǒu yīnyuè xìng hé huàmiàn gǎn, bèi yù wèi “shī zhōng yǒu huà, huà zhōng yǒu shī”.

Lǐbái yīshēng yóulì sìfāng, zújì biànbù dàjiāngnánběi. Tā rè’ài zìrán, zhuīqiú zìyóu, yǔ yǒurén chàngyǐn gāogē, liú xiàle xǔduō kuàizhìrénkǒu de jiāzuò. Rán’ér, tā de shìtú què bìng bù shùnlì, céng shù cì bèi biǎnzhé, dàn zhè bìng wèi yǐngxiǎng tā zhuīqiú shīgē hé zìyóu de rèqíng.

Zài shīgē chuàngzuò shàng, lǐbái yǒuzhe dútè de yìshù fēnggé. Tā shànyú yùnyòng kuāzhāng, bǐyù děng xiūcí shǒufǎ, biǎodá chū duì zìrán, rénshēng hé shèhuì de shēnkè gǎnwù. Tā de shīgē chōngmǎnle jīqíng yǔ lìliàng, zhǎnxiànle tā háofàng bùjī dì xìnggé hé zhuīqiú zìyóu de jīngshén.

Learn Biography of Li Bai (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Lǐbái de yīshēng chōngmǎnle chuánqí sècǎi. Tā de shīgē hé réngé mèilì, shǐ tā chéngwéile zhōngguó wénxué shǐshàng de cuǐcàn míngxīng, duì hòushì chǎnshēngle shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng.

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