Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 杜甫传 (Dùfǔ Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Du Fu.

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The Biography of Du Fu in English (英文传记)

Du Fu: The Life of a Literary Giant

Du Fu, styled Zimei and known as Shaoling Yelao, was a renowned realist poet of the Tang Dynasty, renowned as the “Poet of History.” His life spanned the decline of the Tang Dynasty, and his poetry was deeply imbued with a sentiment of concern for the country and its people.

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Born into a bureaucratic family, Du Fu received a good education from a young age and developed a profound interest in literature. His poetry covered a wide range of topics, including the depiction of natural scenery and reflections on social realities and the sufferings of the people. His language was simple yet profound, and his sentiments were sincere and profound, exerting a profound influence on later generations.

Du Fu’s life was filled with hardships. He once served as an official in Chang’an but was demoted due to his outspoken criticisms. Afterward, he traveled extensively, experiencing the darkness of society and the sufferings of the people. His poetry was filled with deep concern for the fate of the country and its people, as exemplified in works like “Spring Outlook” and “The Hut Damaged by Autumn Winds.”

Du Fu’s poetry possesses distinct realistic characteristics. He was adept at reflecting social realities and expressing the sufferings of the people through the depiction of specific scenes and characters. His poetry not only possesses profound artistic value but also holds significant social meaning.

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Although Du Fu’s life was filled with hardships and tribulations, his poetry has transcended time and become a treasure in the cultural treasury of China. He is known as the “Poet of History,” and his poetry has become an important document for studying the history and society of the Tang Dynasty.

Learn Biography Of Du Fu in Chinese (中文传记)



Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)




Du Fu Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  • 杜甫(Dùfǔ, Du Fu): A renowned realist poet of the Tang Dynasty, known as the “Poet of History.”
  • 诗史(Shīshǐ, Poet of History): A title given to Du Fu in recognition of his poetic works that reflect historical events and societal conditions.
  •  现实主义(Xiànshí zhǔyì, Realism): A literary movement emphasizing the objective representation of reality, which is exemplified in Du Fu’s works.
  • 忧国忧民(Yōu guó yōu mín, Concern for the Country and the People): The profound sentiment expressed in Du Fu’s poetry towards the fate of the nation and the sufferings of the people.

Pinyin of Du Fu Biography (杜甫记的拼音)

Dùfǔ, zì zi měi, zì hào shǎo líng yělǎo, táng dài zhùmíng de xiànshí zhǔyì shīrén, bèi yù wèi “shīshǐ”. Tā de yīshēng jīnglìle táng dài de yóu shèng zhuǎn shuāi, tā de shīgē yě yīncǐ chōngmǎnle shēnchén de yōu guó yōu mín zhī qíng.

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Dùfǔ chūshēn yú guānliáo shìjiā, zì yòu shòudào liánghǎo de jiàoyù, duì wénxué chǎnshēngle nónghòu de xìngqù. Tā de shīgē tícái guǎngfàn, jì yǒu miáoxiě zìrán fēngguāng de jiāzuò, yěyǒu fǎnyìng shèhuì xiànshí, biǎodá rénmín jíkǔ de shīpiān. Tā de shīgē yǔyán zhípú zìrán, gǎnqíng zhēnzhì shēnchén, duì hòushì yǐngxiǎng shēnyuǎn.

Dùfǔ de yīshēng chōngmǎnle kǎnkě. Tā céng zài cháng’ān wèi guān, dàn yīn zhíyán gǎn jiàn ér zāo biǎnzhé. Cǐhòu, tā yóulì sìfāng, qīnshēn tǐyànle shèhuì de hēi’àn hé rénmín de kǔnàn. Tā de shīgē zhōng chōngmǎnle duì guójiā hé rénmín de shēn shēn yōulǜ, rú “chūn wàng”,“máowū wèi qiūfēng suǒ pò gē” děng zuòpǐn, dōu biǎodále tā duì guójiā hé rénmín mìngyùn de guānqiè hé yōulǜ.

Dùfǔ de shīgē jùyǒu xiānmíng de xiànshí zhǔyì tèsè. Tā shànyú tōngguò miáohuì jùtǐ de chǎngjǐng hé rénwù lái fǎnyìng shèhuì xiànshí, biǎodá rénmín de jíkǔ hé hūshēng. Tā de shīgē bùjǐn jùyǒu shēnhòu de yìshù jiàzhí, yě jùyǒu shēnkè de shèhuì yìyì.

Dùfǔ de yīshēng suīrán chōngmǎnle kǎnkě hé mónàn, dàn tā de shīgē què liúchuán qiāngǔ, chéngwéile zhōnghuá wénhuà bǎokù zhōng de guībǎo. Tā bèi yù wèi “shīshǐ”, tā de shīgē yě chéngwéile yánjiū táng dài lìshǐ hé shèhuì de zhòngyào wénxiàn.

Learn Biography of Du Fu (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

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