Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 苏轼传 (苏东坡传, Sūshì Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Su Shi/Su Dongpo.

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Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

The Biography of Su Dongpo in English (英文传记)

Su Shi: A Literary Giant of the Northern Song Dynasty

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Su Shi, also known as Zizhan and Su Dongpo, was a renowned literary figure, calligrapher, painter, and politician of the Northern Song Dynasty. Born in 1037 and passed away in 1101, his life was filled with legends. He achieved remarkable accomplishments in literature, and his influence in painting, calligraphy, and political thought was profound.

Recognized worldwide for his literary talents, Su Shi’s poems and essays are hailed as representatives of the bold and unconstrained school of literature. He expressed profound thoughts with humorous strokes and depicted the beauty of nature with rich imagination and vivid descriptions. His works were not only popular in his time but also had a profound impact on later generations.

In calligraphy, Su Shi was also an outstanding artist. His unique style incorporates the essence of tradition with his own innovations. His running script and cursive script have reached a high artistic level, earning him the respect of later generations as the “Sage of Calligraphy.”

Moreover, Su Shi was a versatile painter with a wide range of subject matter and diverse styles. He excelled at combining calligraphy and painting, using the weight and speed of brush strokes to capture the essence of the scene.

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

In politics, although Su Shi encountered many difficulties, he remained true to his beliefs and principles. He cared deeply for the plight of the people and advocated for reforming corrupt policies, contributing to the stability and development of the Northern Song society.

Learn Biography Of Su Dongpo in Chinese (中文传记)



Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)




Su Shi Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  1. 苏轼(Sū Shì):A famous literary figure and politician in the Northern Song Dynasty.
  2. 文坛巨匠(wén tán jù jiàng):Literary giant.
  3. 豪放派(háo fàng pài):Bold and unconstrained school of literature.
  4. 书法家(shū fǎ jiā):Calligrapher.
  5. 画家(huà jiā):Painter.
  6. 政治思想(zhèng zhì sī xiǎng):Political thought.

Pinyin of Su Shi Biography (苏轼记的拼音)

Sūshì, zì zi zhān, hào dōng pō jūshì, shēng yú sòng rénzōng jǐng yòu sān nián (1037 nián), zú yú sòng huīzōng jiàn zhōng jìngguó yuán nián (1101 nián), shì zhōngguó běisòng shíqí zhùmíng de wénxué jiā, shūfǎ jiā, huàjiā hé zhèngzhì jiā. Tā de yīshēng chōngmǎnle chuánqí sècǎi, bùjǐn zài wénxué shàng yǒuzhe zhuóyuè de chéngjiù, gèng zài shūhuà yìshù hé zhèngzhì sīxiǎng shàng yǒuzhe shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng.

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Sūshì de wénxué cáihuá jǔshì gōngrèn, tā de shīcí gē fù bèi yù wèi “háofàng pài” de dàibiǎo, chōngmǎnle duì rénshēng hé shèhuì de shēnkè dòngchá. Tā shànyú yǐ yōumò huīxié de bǐchù biǎodá shēnkè de sīxiǎng, yǐ fēngfù de xiǎngxiàng hé shēngdòng de miáohuì zhǎnxiàn dà zìrán dì měilì. Tā de zuòpǐn bùjǐn zài dāngshí guǎng shòu huānyíng, érqiě duì hòushì chǎnshēngle shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng.

Zài shūfǎ shàng, sūshì yěshì yī wèi jiéchū de yìshùjiā. Tā de shūfǎ fēnggé dútè, jì yǒu chuántǒng de jīngsuǐ, yòu yǒu zìjǐ de chuàngxīn. Tā de hángshū hé cǎoshū dōu dádàole jí gāo de yìshù shuǐpíng, bèi hòu rén zūn wèi “shū shèng”.

Cǐwài, sūshì háishì yī wèi duōcáiduōyì de huàjiā, tā de huàzuò tícái guǎngfàn, fēnggé duōyàng. Tā shànyú jiāng shūfǎ hé huìhuà xiāng jiéhé, yǐ bǐmò de qīngzhònghuǎnjí biǎoxiàn huàmiàn de shényùn.

Learn Biography of Su Shi (Su Dongpo, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Zài zhèngzhì shàng, sūshì suīrán lìjīng kǎnkě, dàn tā shǐzhōng jiānshǒu zìjǐ de xìnyǎng hé yuánzé. Tā guānxīn bǎixìng jíkǔ, zhǔzhāng gǎigé bìzhèng, wèi běisòng shèhuì de wěndìng hé fāzhǎn zuò chūle gòngxiàn.

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