Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 后羿传 (Hòu Yì Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Hou Yi.

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Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

The Biography of Hou Yi in English (英文传记)

Biography of Hou Yi

Hou Yi, a renowned archer of the Xia Dynasty, is famous for his heroic feat of shooting down the suns to save the people. Born in the early years of the Xia Dynasty, he possessed exceptional talent in archery from a young age. Through diligent practice, Hou Yi honed his skills and eventually became a master archer.

Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

In the late Xia Dynasty, when ten suns appeared in the sky, causing drought and misery, Hou Yi resolutely decided to shoot down the extra suns. Standing atop a mountain, he used his impeccable archery skills to shoot down nine suns in succession, restoring order to the heavens and earth. This feat made him a hero in people’s hearts and was passed down through the ages.

Apart from his legendary feat of shooting down the suns, Hou Yi also played a pivotal role in the political and military affairs of the Xia Dynasty. He assisted the monarch in ensuring the stability and prosperity of the country. However, as his power grew, it aroused jealousy and resentment from other nobles. Ultimately, Hou Yi was defeated in a palace strife and had to flee into exile, spending the rest of his life in wandering.

Despite the unhappy ending, Hou Yi’s heroic deeds and spirit of eliminating evils for the people forever remain in people’s hearts. His legend is not only an important part of ancient Chinese mythology, but also reflects the ancient people’s pursuit of courage, wisdom, and dedication to eliminating harm for the people.

Learn Biography Of Hou Yi in Chinese (中文传记)

Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)





Hou Yi Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  1. 后羿 (Hòu Yì): The Famous Archer of the Xia Dynasty
  2. 射日救民 (Shè Rì Jiù Mín): Shooting Down the Suns to Save the People
  3. 神箭手 (Shén Jiàn Shǒu): A Master Archer
  4. 宫廷斗争 (Gōng Tíng Dòu Zhēng): Palace Strife
  5. 为民除害 (Wèi Mín Chú Hài): Eliminating Evils for the People

Pinyin of Hou Yi Biography (后羿记的拼音)

Hòu yì, xià cháo shíqí zhùmíng de shén shèshǒu, yǐ qí shè rì jiùmín de zhuàngjǔ ér wénmíng yú shì. Tā shēng yú xiàcháochū nián, tiānzī cōngyǐng, zì yòu biàn zhǎnxiàn chū fēifán de shèjiàn tiānfù. Hòu yì zài shèjiàn fāngmiàn kèkǔ zuānyán, jìyì rìzhēn jīngzhàn, zuìzhōng chéngwéile yīdài shén jiàn shǒu.

Xià cháo mònián, tiānkōng chūxiànle shí gè tàiyáng, dàdì gānhàn, mínbùliáoshēng. Hòu yì wèile zhěngjiù cāngshēng, yìrán juédìng shè xià duōyú de tàiyáng. Tā zhàn zài gāoshān zhī diān, píngjiè jīngzhàn de jiàn shù, yī jiàn jiēzhe yī jiàn, chénggōng shè xiàle jiǔ gè tàiyáng, huīfùle tiāndì jiān de zhèngcháng zhìxù. Zhè yī zhuàngjǔ shǐ tā chéngwéile rénmen xīnzhōng de yīngxióng, liúchuán qiāngǔ.

Learn Biography of Hou Yi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Chúle shè rì jiùmín de chuánqí shìjì wài, hòu yì zài xià cháo de zhèngzhì hé jūnshì lǐngyù yěyǒuzhe jǔzúqīngzhòng dì dìwèi. Tā fǔzuǒ xià cháo jūnzhǔ, wèi guójiā āndìng hé fánróng gòngxiànle zìjǐ de lìliàng. Rán’ér, yóuyú tā de quánlì zhújiàn zēng dà, yǐnqǐle qítā guìzú de jídù hé bùmǎn. Zuìzhōng, hòu yì zài gōngtíng dòuzhēng zhōng shībài, bèi pò liúwáng tāxiāng, dùguòle yúshēng.

Jǐnguǎn hòu yì de jiéjú bìng bù yuánmǎn, dàn tā de yīngyǒng shìjì hé shè rì jiùmín de wěidà jīngshén què yǒngyuǎn liú zàile rénmen xīnzhōng. Hòu yì de chuánshuō bu jǐn shì zhōngguó gǔdài shénhuà de zhòngyào zǔchéng bùfèn, yě fǎnyìngle gǔrén duì yǒnggǎn, zhìhuì hé wèi mín chú hài jīngshén de zhuīqiú.

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