Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 周公旦传 (Zhōu Gōng Dàn Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan.

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Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

The Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan in English (英文传记)

Duke of Zhou Gongdan: The Great Politician and Founder of Ritual and Music Civilization in Early Western Zhou Dynasty

Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Duke of Zhou Gongdan, surnamed Ji and named Dan, was the younger brother of King Wu of Zhou and a remarkable politician, military strategist, and thinker in the early Western Zhou Dynasty. Revered as the “Sage of the Origin,” he is considered one of the early sages of Confucianism. He assisted King Wu in overthrowing the tyrant Zhou and establishing the Zhou Dynasty, and later, when King Cheng was young, he acted as regent, quelling the Rebellion of the Three Guardians and stabilizing the political situation in the early Zhou Dynasty.

Beyond being an outstanding political leader, Duke of Zhou was also the founder of the Ritual and Music System, which laid a solid foundation for the etiquette and norms of later Chinese civilization. His contributions to the development of Chinese society and culture are immeasurable, earning him the title of “Sage of the Origin.”

Learn Biography Of Duke of Zhou Gongdan in Chinese (中文传记)

Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)


Duke of Zhou Gongdan Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Bian Que (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  • 周公旦(Zhōu Gōng Dàn: Duke of Zhou Gongdan; the respected statesman of early Western Zhou Dynasty
  • 礼乐制度(Lǐ Yuè Zhì Dù: Ritual and Music System; the system of rites and music established to regulate social order and behavior
  • 三监之乱(Sān Jiān Zhī Luàn: Rebellion of the Three Guardians; an uprising shortly after the founding of the Zhou Dynasty
  • 元圣(Yuán Shèng: Sage of the Origin; a title given to Duke of Zhou for his profound contributions to Confucianism and Chinese civilization

Pinyin of Duke of Zhou Gongdan Biography (周公旦记的拼音)

Learn Biography of Duke of Zhou Gongdan (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Zhōugōng dàn, jī xìng, míng dàn, zhōu wǔwáng zhī dì, xīzhōu chūqí jiéchū de zhèngzhì jiā, jūnshì jiā, sīxiǎngjiā, bèi zūn wèi “yuán shèng”, shì rújiā xiānxián zhī yī. Tā fǔzuǒ wǔwáng fá zhòu, jiànlì zhōu cháo, hòu yòu zài chéng wáng nián yòu shí shèzhèng, píngdìng sān jiān zhī luàn, wěndìngle zhōu chū de zhèngjú. Zhōugōng dàn bùjǐn shì yī wèi zhuóyuè de zhèngzhì lǐngxiù, gèng shì lǐ yuè zhìdù de zhìdìng zhě, tā zhìdìngle zhōu cháo de lǐ yuè zhìdù, wèi hòushì zhōnghuá wénmíng de lǐyí guīfàn diàndìngle jiānshí jīchǔ.

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