Learn Biography of Confucius (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 孔子传 (Kǒngzǐ Zhuàn).

Biography of Confucius

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Confucius.

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The Biography of Confucius in English (英文)

Confucius, also known as Qiu and styled Zhongni, was a native of Zouyi (presently Qufu, Shandong) in the State of Lu during the Spring and Autumn Period. He was an outstanding thinker and educator, the founder of Confucianism.

From his early childhood, Confucius was diligent in learning and dabbled in arts such as etiquette, music, and archery. As an adult, he traveled extensively in search of realizing his ideals of “benevolence” and “rule of etiquette.”

Biography of Confucius

He advocated perfecting oneself through moral cultivation and emphasized social harmony and responsibility. In the field of education, Confucius advocated the principles of “teaching all without discrimination” and “teaching students in accordance with their aptitude,” believing that education should be universal and tailored to individual students.

His words and deeds were compiled by his disciples into “The Analects of Confucius,” which became a classic work of Confucianism. In his later years, Confucius returned to the State of Lu and devoted himself to compiling “Spring and Autumn Annals” to record history and inherit culture.

Learn Biography Of Confucius in Chinese (孔子的详细传记)

Biography of Confucius


Confucius Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Biography of Confucius
  • 孔子(Kǒngzǐ): Confucius
  • 春秋时期(Chūnqiū shíqī): Spring and Autumn Period
  • 鲁国(Lǔ guó): State of Lu
  • 儒家学派(Rújiā xuépài): Confucianism
  • 仁爱(Rén’ài): Benevolence
  • 礼治(Lǐzhì): Rule of Etiquette
  • 有教无类(Yǒujiào wúlèi): Teach all without discrimination
  • 因材施教(Yīncái shījiào): Teach students in accordance with their aptitude
  • 《论语》(Lúnyǔ): The Analects of Confucius
  • 《春秋》(Chūnqiū): Spring and Autumn Annals

Pinyin of Confucius Biography (传记的拼音)

Biography of Confucius

Kǒngzǐ, míng qiū, zì zhòng ní, chūnqiū shíqí lǔ guó zōu yì (jīn shāndōng qūfù) rén. Tā shì yī wèi zhuóyuè de sīxiǎngjiā, jiàoyù jiā, rújiā xuépài de chuàngshǐ rén. Kǒngzǐ zì yòu hàoxué bù juàn, duì lǐyí, yīnyuè, shèjiàn děng jìyì jiē yǒu shèliè. Chéngnián hòu, tā yóulì sìfāng, xúnqiú shíxiàn qí “rén’ài” hé “lǐzhì” de lǐniàn. Tā zhǔzhāng tōngguò dàodé xiūyǎng lái wánshàn gèrén, qiángdiào shèhuì héxié yǔ zérèn. Zài jiàoyù lǐngyù, kǒngzǐ tíchàng “yǒu jiào wú lèi” hé “yīncáishījiào”, rènwéi jiàoyù yīngdāng pǔjí qiě yīng gēnjù xuéshēng de gètǐ chāyì jìnxíng jiàoxué. Tā de yánxíng bèi dìzǐmen biānzuǎn chéng “lúnyǔ”, chéngwéi rújiā xuépài de jīngdiǎn zhī zuò. Kǒngzǐ wǎnnián huí dào lǔ guó, zhìlì yú biānzuǎn “chūnqiū”, yǐ jìlù lìshǐ, chuánchéng wénhuà.

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