Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 康熙传 (Kāngxī Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Kangxi.

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Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

The Biography of Kangxi in English (英文传记)

Kangxi: The Glorious Ruler of the Qing Dynasty

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Kangxi, whose full name is Aixinjueluo Xuanye, was the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty and the longest-reigning emperor in the history of the Qing Dynasty. During his reign, the territory of the Qing Dynasty expanded greatly, and the economy and culture reached their heyday, laying the foundation for the “Kang-Qian Prosperity.”

Kangxi was intelligent and diligent since childhood. He showed exceptional talent and decisiveness early on and was deeply loved by his father, the Shunzhi Emperor. After the death of the Shunzhi Emperor, Kangxi, who was only eight years old, ascended to the throne and began his glorious reign.

During his reign, Kangxi devoted himself to the unity and stability of the country. He put down the Rebellion of the Three Feudatories, recovered Taiwan, and expelled the invading forces of Russia, greatly expanding the territory of the Qing Dynasty. At the same time, he also attached great importance to agricultural production and water conservancy construction, implementing a series of policies that benefited the people, greatly promoting the economic development of the country.

In terms of culture, Kangxi was also an accomplished emperor. He valued cultural education and academic research, advocated Confucianism, and personally participated in compiling important cultural classics such as the “Kangxi Dictionary.” At the same time, he also actively promoted the dissemination of Western science, introducing Western astronomy, mathematics, medicine, and other knowledge, making significant contributions to China’s technological development.

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

The life of Kangxi was filled with legendary tales. He was an intelligent and decisive emperor with exceptional talent and leadership. His reign brought the Qing Dynasty to its peak and left a brilliant page in Chinese history.

Learn Biography Of Kangxi in Chinese (中文传记)


Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)





Kangxi Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  • 康熙 (Kāngxī): Kangxi, the fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty.
  • 清朝 (Qīngcháo): Qing Dynasty, the dynasty during which Kangxi reigned.
  • 疆域 (jiāngyù): Territory, the territorial extent of a country or empire.
  • 三藩之乱 (Sānfān zhī luàn): The Rebellion of the Three Feudatories, a rebellion by three warlords during the Qing Dynasty.
  • 台湾 (Táiwān): Taiwan, an island province of China that was recovered by Kangxi.
  • 沙俄 (Shāé): Russia, a country that was expelled from China’s territory by Kangxi.
  • 《康熙字典》 (Kāngxī Zìdiǎn): Kangxi Dictionary, an important dictionary compiled by Kangxi.

Pinyin of Kangxi Biography (康熙记的拼音)

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Kāngxī, quán míng ài xīn jué luō·xuán yè, shì qīngcháo de dì sì wèi huángdì, yěshì qīngcháo lìshǐ shàng zài wèi shíjiān zuì zhǎng de huángdì. Tā zài wèi qíjiān, qīngcháo de jiāngyù dédàole jí dà de kuòzhǎn, jīngjì hé wénhuà yě dádàole dǐngshèng shíqí, wèi “kāng gàn shèngshì” diàndìngle jīchǔ.

Kāngxī zì yòu cōngmíng hàoxué, qínfèn hàoxué. Tā zǎonián biàn zhǎnxiàn chū fēifán de cáizhì hé juéduàn lì, shēn dé qí fù shùnzhì huángdì de xǐ’ài. Shùnzhì huángdì qùshì hòu, nián jǐn bā suì de kāngxī jíwèi, kāishǐle tā de huīhuáng tǒngzhì.

Kāngxī zài wèi qíjiān, tā zhìlìyú guójiā de tǒngyī hè wěndìng. Tā píngdìngle sān fān zhī luàn, shōufùle táiwān, bìng qūzhúle shā’é de qīnlüè shìlì, shǐdé qīngcháo de jiāngyù dédàole kōngqián de kuòzhǎn. Tóngshí, tā yě zhòngshì nóngyè shēngchǎn hé shuǐlì jiànshè, tuīxíngle yī xìliè yǒu lì yú mínshēng de zhèngcè, shǐdé guójiā de jīngjì dédàole jí dà de fǎ zhǎn.

Zài wénhuà fāngmiàn, kāngxī yěshì yī wèi zhuó yǒu chéngjiù de huángdì. Tā zhòngshì wénhuà jiàoyù hé xuéshù yánjiū, chàngdǎo rújiā sīxiǎng, bìng qīnzì cānyù biānzuǎnle “kāngxī zìdiǎn” děng zhòngyào de wénhuà diǎnjí. Tóngshí, tā yě jījí tuīdòng xīfāng kēxué de chuánbò, yǐnjìnle xīfāng de tiānwén, shùxué, yīxué děng zhīshì, wéi zhōngguó de kējì fāzhǎn zuò chūle zhòngyào gòngxiàn.

Learn Biography of Kangxi (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Kāngxī de yīshēng chōngmǎnle chuánqí sècǎi. Tā shì yī wèi yīngmíng guǒgǎn de huángdì, jùyǒu fēifán de cáizhì hé lǐngdǎo lì. Tā de tǒngzhì shǐdé qīngcháo dádàole dǐngshèng shíqí, yě wéi zhōngguó de lìshǐ liú xiàle nóngmòzhòngcǎi de yī bǐ.

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