Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 盘庚传 (Pán gēng Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Pan Geng.

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Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)_

The Biography of Pan Geng in English (英文传记)

The Biography of Pangeng

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Pangeng, a prominent monarch of the middle Shang Dynasty, is renowned for his momentous decision to relocate the capital to Yin (present-day Anyang City, Henan Province), laying a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Shang Dynasty.

Upon ascending to the throne, Pangeng faced numerous internal and external challenges. To address these issues, he made the bold decision to relocate the capital, which sparked significant controversy and opposition. However, Pangeng persevered and insisted on the relocation. He personally surveyed the terrain and selected a location with superior geographical advantages and abundant resources as the new capital. After the relocation, Pangeng implemented a series of policies to strengthen central authority, rectify the government administration, and restore social order.

Economically, Pangeng focused on developing agriculture and handicrafts, encouraging trade and commerce, which contributed to economic prosperity. He also attached great importance to water conservancy and built water conservancy facilities to improve irrigation capabilities for farmland, providing a solid foundation for agricultural development.

Culturally, Pangeng advocated respecting teachers and valuing education. He established schools and fostered talent, injecting new vitality into the cultural undertakings of the Shang Dynasty. Additionally, he ordered the collection and collation of historical documents, leaving behind valuable cultural heritage for later generations.

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Pangeng’s relocation of the capital not only brought prosperity and stability to the Shang Dynasty, but also had a profound impact on later generations. He is hailed as the reviver of the Shang Dynasty and a remarkable monarch in its history.

Learn Biography Of Pan Geng in Chinese (中文传记)


Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)





Pan Geng Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)
  • 盘庚 (Pán gēng): The protagonist of the biography, a prominent monarch of the middle Shang Dynasty.
  • 迁都于殷 (Qiāndū Yú Yīn): Pangeng’s significant action of moving the capital to Yin, which laid a solid foundation for the stability and development of the Shang Dynasty.
  • 内忧外患 (Nèi Yōu Wài Huàn): The internal and external troubles faced by the Shang Dynasty during Pangeng’s reign.
  • 整顿朝政 (Zhěngdùn Cháozhèng): Pangeng’s efforts to rectify the government administration and restore social order.
  • 发展农业和手工业 (Fāzhǎn Nóngyè Hé Shǒugōngyè) : Pangeng’s policies to promote the development of agriculture and handicrafts.

Pinyin of Pan Geng Biography (盘庚记的拼音)

Pán gēng, shāng cháo zhōngqí de yī wèi jiéchū jūnzhǔ, yǐ qí qiāndū yú yīn (jīn hénán shěng ānyáng shì) de zhuàngjǔ ér zhùchēng, wèi shāng cháo de wěndìng yǔ fāzhǎn diàndìngle jiānshí de jīchǔ.

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Pán gēng jíwèi shí, shāng cháo miànlínzhe nèiyōu wàihuàn de kùnjìng. Wèile gǎibiàn zhè yī júmiàn, tā shēnsīshúlǜ, juédìng qiāndū. Zhè yī juédìng zài dāngshí yǐnqǐle jí dà de zhēngyì hé fǎnduì, dàn pán gēng lì pái zhòng yì, jiānchí qiāndū. Tā qīnzì kānchá dìxíng, xuǎnzéle yīgè dìlǐ wèizhì yōuyuè, zīyuán fēngfù dì dìfāng zuòwéi xīn dū. Qiāndū hòu, pán gēng shíshīle yī xìliè zhèngcè, jiāqiángle zhōngyāng jíquán, zhěngdùnle cháozhèng, shǐdé shāng cháo de zhèngzhì huánjìng zhújiàn qīngmíng, shèhuì zhìxù dédào huīfù.

Zài jīngjì fāngmiàn, pán gēng zhù chóng fāzhǎn nóngyè hé shǒugōngyè, gǔlì shānggǔ màoyì, cùjìnle jīngjì de fánróng. Tā hái zhùzhòng shuǐlì jiànshè, xīngxiū shuǐlì shèshī, tígāole nóngtián de guàngài nénglì, wèi nóngyè de fǎ zhǎn tígōngle yǒulì bǎozhàng.

Zài wénhuà fāngmiàn, pán gēng tíchàng zūn shī zhòng dào, zhòngshì wénhuà jiàoyù. Tā shèlì xuéxiào, péiyǎng réncái, wèi shāng cháo de wénhuà shìyè zhùrùle xīn de huólì. Cǐwài, tā hái xiàlìng sōují hé zhěnglǐ lìshǐ wénxiàn, wèi hòushì liú xiàle bǎoguì de wénhuà yíchǎn.

Learn Biography of Pan Geng (English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Pán gēng de qiāndū zhī jǔ, bùjǐn wèi shāng cháo dài láile fánróng hé wěndìng, yě duì hòushì chǎnshēngle shēnyuǎn de yǐngxiǎng. Tā bèi yù wèi shāng cháo zhōngxìng zhī zhǔ, shì shāng cháo lìshǐ shàng yī wèi jiéchū de jūnzhǔ.

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