Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in Chinese, Pinyin: 杨贵妃传 (Yáng Guìfēi Zhuàn).

Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Title of Biography in English: The Biography of Yang Guifei/Yang Yuhuan.

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Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

The Biography of Yang Guifei in English (英文传记)

Yang Guifei: The Incomparable Beauty of the Tang Dynasty

Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Yang Guifei, originally named Yang Yuhuan, was a renowned beauty of the Tang Dynasty’s royal court and a favorite concubine of Emperor Xuanzong of Tang. She was renowned for her beauty, talent, and legendary life experiences.

Born into an official family, Yang Guifei displayed exceptional talent and beauty from a young age. She was intelligent, skilled in singing and dancing, and possessed exceptional wisdom. These qualities made her stand out in the royal court and eventually became Emperor Xuanzong’s favorite concubine.

Yang Guifei had a deep bond with Emperor Xuanzong, and the two spent many joyful moments together. Her beauty and talent brought immense joy and satisfaction to Emperor Xuanzong, while also contributing to the cultural prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

However, Yang Guifei’s legendary life was also filled with turmoil and tragedy. She once suffered exclusion and persecution (陷害) due to palace intrigues, but she remained resilient and ultimately won Emperor Xuanzong’s favor and trust. However, good times did not last long, and the turmoil of the Tang Dynasty and Emperor Xuanzong’s governance crisis ultimately led to Yang Guifei’s tragic end.

Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

During the An-Shi Rebellion, Emperor Xuanzong fled the capital of Chang’an for his own safety, and Yang Guifei accompanied him. However, during the escape, due to the soldiers’ coercion and Emperor Xuanzong’s helpless choice, Yang Guifei was forced to commit suicide. Her death became a poignant legend in the history of the Tang Dynasty, leaving behind many poems and stories about her beauty, talent, and legendary life.

Learn Biography Of Yang Guifei in Chinese (中文传记)



Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)





Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Yang Guifei Biography Keywords- English, Chinese & Pinyin (关键词)

  • 杨贵妃 (Yáng Guìfēi): Yang Guifei: 唐朝著名的宫廷美女,唐玄宗的宠妃。
  • 唐玄宗 (Táng Xuānzōng): Tang Xuanzong: 唐朝的一位皇帝,杨贵妃的丈夫。
  • 倾城佳人 (Qīngchéng jiā rén): Incomparable Beauty: 形容杨贵妃的美貌无与伦比。
  • 宫廷斗争 (Gōngtíng dòuzhēng): Palace Strife: 宫廷内部为了权力、地位等而进行的斗争。
  • 安史之乱 (Ānshǐ zhī luàn): An-Shi Rebellion: 唐朝中期的一次大规模叛乱,对唐朝的统治造成了重大打击。

Pinyin of Yang Guifei Biography (杨贵妃记的拼音)

Yáng guìfēi: Táng cháo de qīngchéng jiārén

yáng guìfēi, yuánmíng yáng yùhuán, shì táng dài zhùmíng de gōngtíng měinǚ, yěshì táng xuánzōng lǐ lóngjī de chǒng fēi. Tā yǐ měimào, cáiyì hé chuánqí de rénshēng jīnglì ér wénmíng yú shì.

Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Yáng guìfēi chūshēng yú yīgè guānhuàn shìjiā, zì yòu biàn zhǎnxiàn chū fēifán de cáiqíng hé měimào. Tā cōngmíng línglì, shànyú gēwǔ, gèng yǒuzheguò rén de zhìhuì. Zhèxiē yōudiǎn shǐ tā zài gōngtíng zhōng bèi shòu zhǔmù, zuìzhōng chéngwéile táng xuánzōng de chǒng fēi.

Yáng guìfēi yǔ táng xuánzōng zhī jiān de gǎnqíng shēnhòu, liǎng rén gòngtóng dùguòle xǔduō huānlè shíguāng. Tā dì měimào hé cáiyì wèi táng xuánzōng dài lái liǎo wújìn de huānlè he mǎnzú, tóngshí yě wèi táng cháo de wénhuà fánróng zuò chūle gòngxiàn.

Rán’ér, yáng guìfēi de chuánqí rénshēng yě chōngmǎnle bōzhé hé bēijù. Tā céng yīn gōngtíng dòuzhēng ér zāoshòu páijǐ hé xiànhài, dàn tā shǐzhōng jiānrèn bù bá, zuìzhōng yíngdéle táng xuánzōng de chǒng’ài hé xìnrèn. Rán’ér, hǎojǐng bù cháng, táng cháo de dòngdàng hé táng xuánzōng de tǒngzhì wéijī zuìzhōng dǎozhìle yáng guìfēi de bēijù jiéjú.

Learn Biography of Yang Guifei (Lady Yang, English, Chinese, Pinyin)

Zài ānshǐzhīluàn zhōng, táng xuánzōng wèile zì bǎo ér táolí cháng’ān, yáng guìfēi yě suí tā yīqǐ táowáng. Rán’ér, zài táowáng túzhōng, yóuyú shìbīng de bīpò hé táng xuánzōng de wúnài xuǎnzé, yáng guìfēi bèi pò zìshā shēnwáng. Tā de sǐ chéngwéile táng cháo lìshǐ shàng yīduàn qīměi de chuánshuō, yě liú xiàle xǔduō guānyú tā měimào, cáiyì hé chuánqí rénshēng de shīpiān hé gùshì.

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